February 01, 2011

Language of Flowers

"Did you know that people hide their love, like a flower that seems too precious to be picked?" by Wu-ti PEOPLE HIDE THEIR LOVE

When you think about Valentine, you think about flowers.  Do you know, flowers have had symbolic meanings since the earliest times and you can give almost any message in a posy of flowers.

Alyssum: Worth beyond beauty       Myrtle: Love
Amaryllis: Timidity. Pride         Red pinks: Pure love
Apple blossom: Temptation          Red rose: Love. Beauty
Aster: I share your sentiments     White rose: I am worthy you
Bluebell: Constancy                Red tulip: Declaration of love
Borage: Bluntness                  White lily: Purity of heart
White camellia: Perfect excellence
Red chrysanthemum: I love
White chrysanthemum: Truth
Jonquil: I desire a return of affection
White lily: Purity. Sweetness
Mimosa: Sensitivity

A little knowledge to share...


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